Portfolio mortgages are for 4 or more properties.
Get in touch
We offer a wide range of lending options from whole of the market
With the large sums involved in these deals its best to take expert advice. Careful selection of a suitable lending partner is key to an ongoing relationship to further grow the portfolio. Not all investors are comfortable putting all their eggs in one basket so advice is required. Rates vary according to the LTV ratio and the quality/gearing of the portfolio. The loan is stress tested to ensure the payments will not pose any problems in the short/medium term.
Here are a few reasons to choose Chess Mortgages.
Experienced advisers
We’ve been advising clients on mortgages for over 40 years.
We move fast
No need to wait; we respond & process applications quickly.
Whole of market
We scour UK lenders, private banks & offshore lenders for deals.
What you need to know...
Its anyone who has 3 BTL already and is looking to buy the 4 th or already has 4 properties whether in personal or Ltd Co name
Not necessarily but the market is specialist
No, Some lenders do have maximum limits eg 10 but there are lenders who have no cap on your portfolio size
What our clients say...